Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guess Who's Going on a Mission?

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Jesse Wayne is going to Fortaleza, Brazil.
Exciting Hey?


ade said...

Congrats to the whole family. Cindy, I'll always remember you and Arlin being there the night I arrived home from Argentina. You guys have the BEST family. SOOo excited for Jesse. BRAZIL???How cool is that!


ManorBooks said...

Wowee! Just great news. I'm thrilled for you all.

Kelli said...

Oh my gosh!!So exciting! We were wondering when he would be getting his call. We are so excited for him. He will be a fantastic missionary!

J. Baxter said...

Congrats Jesse!

Kristin said...

Congratulations! What an exciting place!

Suzy Q said...

:)Im so excited! He is going to be so wonderful!

Rainy Day Farm said...

Congrats to Jesse. We think he is the best! I am sure he is going to a very great missionary!